Friday, January 7, 2011

Meditations in Simplicity 4 - The Bench outside my office

It just sits there under the tree, patiently waiting for me to expend the capacities of my dimishing attention span until it calls and says sit for a while and rest. Stop thinking for five minutes and just be. My head finds rest on my cupped hands supported with both elbows on the stone table, and we just watch the cars and golf carts go by. Between sips of coffee, I wonder where everyone is on their way to and if they're aware of the fact that they're driving or if their mind is already where they're going to or where they've been. I stop and realize I'm asking myself this very question, and attempt to be aware of my bench, the coolness of the stone, the broken twigs on the table top, the feel of the stones at my feet, and become slightly reborn and aware. I'm afforded clarity and in the stillness, I find knowningness. "Be still and know."
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  1. This is my favorite post so far. I have nothing to add. I'm just "clicking 'LIKE'".

  2. My favorite, too. Great work!
